360-degree Leadership Assessment

Cometa Coaching’s 360 Leadership Assessment helps leaders get constructive feedback and develop  sustainable growth plans.

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What is a
360-degree Leadership Assessment?

The 360-degree Leadership Assessment is an evaluation method to gather feedback about an individual’s strengths and areas of improvement, from multiple perspectives.

This assessment collects the individual’s self-assessment and feedback from various sources (managers, teams, and peers) who have regular interactions with the person being evaluated.
The feedback can cover:

  • Job-related skills and competencies.
  • Communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Leadership abilities and management style.
  • Teamwork and collaboration.
  • Problem-solving and decision-making capabilities.
  • Adaptability and flexibility.

Cometa Coaching’s
360-degree Leadership Assessment Process

Cometa Coaching is a certified SEI Emotional Intelligence and DISC assessment practitioner, available in the 360 Leadership Assessment format.

1. Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence (SEI®) Leadership Assessment

Available in a self-assessment and in 360 (multi-variant) format, it measures EQ (emotional quotient) which is the capacity to blend thinking and feeling to make optimal decisions and delivers a practical roadmap for developing emotional intelligence competencies.

The results of this assessment lead people to make decisions that are effective in improving emotional intelligence by:

  • Knowing yourself by increasing self-awareness.
  • Choosing yourself by building self-management and self-direction.
  • Giving to yourself by aligning daily choices with a larger sense of purpose.

2. The DISC Assessment

Available in individual and team self-assessments and 360 (multivariant) is a personality test providing insight into four primary behavioral tendencies and emotions and explores how these come together in a personal blend of styles:

  • Dominance (D) how people address problems and challenges.
  • Influence (I) how people handle situations involving people and contacts.
  • Steadiness (S) how people demonstrate pace and consistency
  • Conscientiousness (C) how people react to procedures and constraints.

The results of this assessment help individuals identify their own behavioral style and the behavioral styles of others, to become more efficient communicators and to strengthen their working relationships.

Unlock the Barriers to your Leadership Potential

Our 360-degree Leadership Assessment Process is conducted through a systematic series of comprehensive steps. The assessments are administered and managed through a web application and are available in more than 15 languages.

1. Selection of Raters

We support your organization in defining the scope, the goals, and the value of the assessment to ensure a reliable and effective evaluation process. We work with the evaluated individual to identify reliable candidates to participate in the assessment.

2. Self-assessment

Once we set up the web-based platform, the evaluated individual can start the process by executing a self-assessment.

3. Anonymous Feedback

The raters receive an automatic email with the link to the platform. They are given a feedback survey where they anonymously and honestly rate the individual’s attitudes and behaviors. The individual and the raters complete the evaluation based on the same predetermined set of criteria.

4. Reporting

The platform compares the data collected from the individual, the raters, and the average population collected within the database. The results give a snapshot summary of key points identified in the assessment.The individual receives a comprehensive report to review before our debrief session.

5. Debrief the Results

The individual meets with the coach for a debriefing session (usually 90 minutes) where we go through the assessment results and have a constructive and growth-focused discussion to understand the feedback, identify areas of improvement, and create a development plan.

Benefits of the 360-degree
Leadership Assessment

Our Leadership Assessments:

  • Use validated tools that provide reliable data with proven results.
  • Increases self awareness.
  • Identifies potential for targeted development.
  • Help organizations identify if a candidate is compatible with the company’s culture, or if they’re a good fit for a specific role or assignment.
  • Create a holistic and comprehensive view of the strengths, talents, and areas for improvement, leveraging international frameworks and standards.
  • Builds a team that draws off of each other’s strengths, feels empowered, and works together efficiently to achieve desired results.

Cometa Coaching’s 360-degree leadership assessment turns difficult feedback into action plans.

Why Cometa Coaching for your
360-degree Leadership Assessment?

Though organizations launch assessments and deliver reviews, few action plans produce long term change.

As a certified assessor and coach, I pull from my accreditation, training, and experience to assess, support, and motivate the individual. Together, we navigate the assessment process with a goal-oriented mindset. We build confidence through creating a workable and targeted action plan to produce lasting change.

My debrief sessions conclude with the individual having a clearer self-awareness, a more positive attitude, and a toolbelt of skills to use when confronted with adversity in the workplace.

Embed the 360-degree Leadership Assessment into your organization’s performance review process, incorporate them into your Executive and Career Coaching, or enhance your Team Effectiveness Training program.

“Management is about persuading people to do things they don’t want to do, while leadership is inspiring people to do things, they never thought they could”

Steve Jobs

Book a call with Mariateresa

To see if your organization is a good fit for Cometa Coaching’s 360-degree Leadership Assessment.

Want to learn more about our
360-degree Leadership Assessment?

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.

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